3 Steps to Growing w/ God
J.I. Packer gives straightforward instructions to guide believers into a deeper relationship with God through their knowledge of Him.
How to Diagnose a Cold Heart
It is helpful as a continual practice to ask God to show us the true condition of our hearts. Paul challenges believers at least three times to “examine” themselves.
Spurgeon's 7 Tips for Reading
C.H. Spurgeon, a man who loved the Scriptures, was another great encourager of the faith who gave the following 7 suggestions for reading God’s Word.
Since 1993
D.I.S.C.I.P.L.E.S.H.I.P. Acronym
Decide Who to Disciple
Invite Them to Join You
Survey Their Needs
Choose Curriculum
Individualize Your Approach
Prepare a Covenant
Launch Meetings
Engage in Life Together
Share Assessments
Hand Over Leadership
Inspire Multiplication
Provide Ongoing Support
If you share this, please cite as: “D.I.S.C.I.P.L.E.S.H.I.P. Acronym," from https://discipleship.tips/, October 23, 2018, Andy Deane.

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